Ongoing Support
Ongoing support contracts to supplement and assist your business resources.
Ongoing Support
Ongoing support contracts to supplement and assist your business resources.
Clients Can Count On Us For Ongoing Support
Ongoing support means the kind of help you need on a regular basis. It’s the kind of support that lets you relax and concentrate on building your business knowing we are here to support you if the technical stuff gets tricky. We allocate significant developer time each week to ensure our clients continually have adequate support for their online business.
There are all kinds of tasks that we help with, from bug fixing to helping to manage servers. Our flexible and solution-oriented approach means you can bring us in whenever you require to help to keep everything working well. We are also happy to work with and supplement your in-house teams and also third parties.
We leverage our experience and expertise to assist you in planning and executing online business growth and change programs. We are happy to work with you in the way that suits you and your organisation best.
Our Experience and Expertise Can Help you Successfully Plan And Execute Online Business Growth and Change Programs
Your CTO On Demand
Sometimes what you need is simply someone who can answer the difficult technical questions; someone who can cut through the technical jargon and help you to understand the implications and make good decisions. We will work with you to identify your opportunities and find ways to resolve your problems in the most cost effective way. Often we can suggest solutions that do not require bespoke development work as there are off-the-shelf options that will meet your requirements.
Working With You
You know your business far better than we can ever hope to. For this reason, it is essential that we work closely together to gain a full and accurate understanding of the issues and can then provide you with effective options and recommendations for your unique situation.
Our extensive experience and professional expertise provides us insights that are not common in-house and can really help online business operators to achieve their goals in a highly efficient and cost effective way.
Interested in our ongoing support?
Please feel welcome to call us during office hours or just send a quick message and we will aim to get back to you ASAP.
Training to Get the Most out of Your Magento Platform
Edmonds Commerce has successfully trained countless clients to better understand and get the most out of their Magento platform.
This type of training is something we do very effectively because we customise content for each individual client we engage. So whatever starting level of understanding you have, we will quickly help you to gain the knowledge you personally need to operate at high level.
Wherever possible, we teach you to use your own system so that learning is easily applicable and results are immediately visible on your website.
There is so much that Magento can do as standard, you will be amazed how much more you can get from your platform with a little expert training to speed you and your teams along.
Bug Fixing and Issue Resolution
Success in e-commerce has a lot to do with earning the trust of your visitors so that they go on to become your customers.
A bug free, fast and stable online experience is crucial in reassuring your customers that you are a serious and professional company to deal with.
Furthermore, bugs can cost serious money – especially if they are related to your checkout process or other vital business processes.
Expert and Efficient Resolution of your Website Issues and Bugs
It can sometimes be difficult to identify the root cause of a bug or issue. For this reason we always work our way inwards, narrowing down the issue until we can be certain we have found the root cause and can then take steps to fix it.
This means extensive use of things like logging to track issues down. Also, reproducing the issue locally and using advanced PHP debugging tools allows us to step through the code in a bug scenario so we can pinpoint the exact location of an issue.
Once we have isolated the issue, we can then take steps to fix it. More often than not there are other people experiencing the same or similar issue and generously share their resolution. However, not all online solutions are ones that should be used; unfortunately there is a lot of well-meaning but bad advice out there.
We will fix the bug, working with you to ensure that no other business processes are disrupted. Once we have a working solution we will then deploy this to your live site. By using version control we have full roll back capabilities should any other undesirable knock-on effects be discovered
Get the Most out of Your System
Let Edmonds Commerce Help You and Your Team Make the Most of Magento
Linux Server Administration
Linux is a wonderful operating system; it can however involve a bit of a steep learning curve. Thankfully we have been using it for years.
Working With your Hosting Company to Provide you with Full Support
By using Linux throughout our entire business from our own desktop computers through the servers we manage for ourselves and our clients, we have managed to gain a deep understanding of how to work with the system.
When working with complex e-commerce systems such as Magento, the line often gets blurred between what is a developer level task and what is a sysadmin task. By being highly proficient in both camps we can ensure that things are running smoothly, can assist with migrations and server upgrades and can generally work for you to get the most out of your Linux server.
By being comfortable working on a command line and having a good knowledge of the various tools and techniques that are essential for efficient and productive work, we can provide you with a Linux consultancy service to supplement the support provided by your hosting company.
We can work with you, your technical team and your hosting company to provide things like performance optimisation, issue resolution and debugging, disaster recovery and consultancy. Our knowledge of the application side means that we can bring a valuable insight.
Version Control
Version control is the essential ingredient to ensure that any action made on your code can be undone, even at a much later date. It means that bugs can be tracked down to specific code changes and resolved or rolled back. It means that instead of bouncing around wildly, your project is guided by the rails it runs along.
Getting Your Source Code Under Control Allows Seamless Collaboration Between your Stakeholders and Third Parties
For any client that is looking to work with us on an ongoing basis, one of the first things we will discuss is setting up version control and a deployment strategy that leverages the power of version control to ensure that the right changes go live in the most seamless way possible.
Version control has many benefits but, as a business owner, the easiest one to grasp is that it allows anyone coming into your project to see clearly what previous developers have done. Even if it is the same developer, they may not remember every little change that has been made. By using version control the entire history of the project is at their fingertips.
Git Version Control
The version control system (VCS) that we prefer to use is Git. We have been using it internally for years. Git has really grown in popularity over the years, no doubt thanks to the fact that it is brought to us by the same people who brought us Linux itself. Sites such as Github have become such a corner stone of open source software development that it is hard to imagine working without them.
Git allows us to do plain version tracking very nicely. However, it also has many other very useful features that allow seamless collaboration between multiple teams. Git is also great at supporting multiple versions of an application, so that you can apply hot fixes to the live version and then switch back into developing a major new version.
Git also has something called submodules which, when used carefully, can be really useful when bringing in multiple sub projects under one master project.
Because Git is distributed, it allows you to have multiple teams working on separate tasks and, as long as one person is controlling everything and properly managing deployments, then this work can all be merged together into a controlled release that can be tested and finally deployed to live.
Talk to us about your New Project
Please feel welcome to call us during office hours or just send a quick message and we will aim to get back to you ASAP.