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Installing Extensions

Installing extensions in Magento

  • create temporary directory inside your project called extension and go inside it
  • unzip the downloaded extension eg.: tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/Extension-Name-2.1.20.tgz
  • remove package.xml
  • sync extension folders and files with magento ones by typing rsync -avzn ./* ../
  • then rsync -avz ./* ../
  • remove your temp extension folder by typing rm -rf extension
  • flush the cache
  • make sure your extension is working!

Chrome extension for Magento extensions direct download

To download magento extensions there is good Chrome extension which you can download from

Using Magento Connect


If you are going use Magento Connect you need to be careful, it can quite easily catch you out and take the site down.

This guide will give you a quick run through of Magento Connect.

Magento Connect is used to install extension for Magento which allows you to bring in extra features that Magento does not come with or is better than what Magento already offers.

To access Magento Connect follow the path below:

System > Magento Connect > Magento Connect Manager

After following the above path you will be asked to log in again which will be the same username and password you used to sign into the admin itself.

Using SFTP/FTP through Filezilla

  • Install Filezilla
  • Find and download the extension you want
  • Run Filezilla and connect to your container


  • Press: Quick Connect
  • Should now be connected
  • Merge app folders found within the extension files and the Magento files

When you have done the above you will need to check the extension had installed successfully, you can do this by following the below path:

System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced > Modules

Look for the extension within the list of modules. If the extension is there then well done you have successfully installed the extension.

If you are unable to see the extension you installed then you may need to flush the magento cache. This can be multiple ways, please see two method below.

Via Admin:

To do this you will need to visit the below path

system > cache management > flush magento cache

Via Terminal:

Make sure you are in the root of the project and run the following command

magerun cache:flush